Celebrate International Workers Day

Date Published: 
April 25, 2008

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Mark your calendar!

Celebrate International Workers Day

Thursday May 1, 2007

March begins at 12 Noon, Armstrong Park


-Stop the raids, the deportations, and the collaboration between local
police and immigration

-Right of Return for All New Orleanians

-Good jobs and fair pay! United for a Just Reconstruction!

-No more discrimination and racisim!  Equality for All!

Sponsored by: Congress of Day Laborers, New Orleans Workers' Center
for Racial Justice

Flyer attached please distribute widely.

You can help make this event a success!
If you would like to do legal observation or can help with
transportation please contact Colette Tippy at (504) 881-6550

For more information about the event, contact Jacinta Gonzalez at (504) 655-6610