Katrina 2nd Anniversary article round up
Date Published:
August 31, 2007
NOLA: 2 years on article compilation
Like most of you, two years ago I spent several days watching in horror and grief as the City of New Orleans was first hit by a fierce hurricane, then flooded, then abandoned by a racist, corrupt government.
Two years on, thousands of residents are still displaced, many neighborhoods are still without services like water and electricity, opening schools is a huge struggle, and the eye of the nation has turned elsewhere. A blogger friend recently pointed out the discrepancy between the amount of mainstream media coverage of the 10th anniversary of the death of Diana Princess of Wales in comparison with the amount of mainstream media coverage of the two year anniversary of Katrina. It’s sickening.
We have a responsibility to remember, to refuse to forget what happened in New Orleans and what is ongoing in New Orleans; to keep our eyes open, to demand the right of return for displaced residents and the rebuilding of New Orleans. In September we’ll be posting a list of grassroots organizations working for justice for New Orleans and the gulf coast, which a comrade is currently compiling; for now, please check out this compilation of articles written about New Orleans and the aftermath of Katrina on this second anniversary .
In solidarity,
Rahula Janowski
For the Heads Up Collective
And Still They Rise: Confronting Katrina by Dave Zirin
New Orleans Hit By Another "Hurricane of Racism, Greed and Corruption" - Community Activist Malik Rahim on Democracy Now!
Two years ago, Hurricane Katrina made its devastating landfall on the Gulf Coast.
Today, much of the region’s infrastructure remains in ruin. In New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina caused damage to 300,000 housing units, of which 71% were low-income housing. Most of the city’s public housing received no or moderate damage, but approximately 1,300 out of 5,146 units have been reopened (the rest remain boarded up awaiting demolition). There is a severe shortage of affordable housing in the post-Katrina New Orleans housing market, which has meant the continued displacement of predominantly low-income African Africans two years after the storm.
Advancement Project pledges to persist in the fight for people’s right to return home. We recently partnered with Brave New Foundation to distribute a short video, When the Saints Go Marching In, to raise awareness of the ongoing housing crisis in New Orleans. During the making of this video, the filmmakers heard the story of the Aguilar family who lost their home to storm and only received $4,000 in payments from their insurance company. They met Mr. Washington, an 87- year-old man and former carpenter, who owned three homes prior to the storm. He is still living in a FEMA trailer today. And they met Julie, who could have returned to her job and normal life, if the government had opened up the public housing unit that she had lived in prior to the storm.
You can watch their stories at: http://whenthesaints.org
You can also view Advancement Project’s documentary about the fight for public housing in New Orleans, This Is My Home, at: www.advancementproject.org.
There is something you can do to help. Please sign the petition urging the Senate to pass the Gulf Coast Recovery Bill of 2007 (S. 1668). The bill is expected to come to a vote after Labor Day. Its passage will be an important step toward rebuilding the infrastructure in the Gulf Coast region.
Please sign the petition at: http://whenthesaints.org
A Farewell Letter on the Second Anniversary of Katrina A Message from an Organizer to the Left and Progressive Forces inside the USA by Curtis Muhammad
SPECIAL REPORT: Billions in Katrina aid mis-spent; blueprint for Gulf recovery outlined
DURHAM, N.C. -- Two years after the onslaught of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, much of the Gulf Coast is still in crisis -- and billions of federal recovery money remains bottled up or has been squandered due to red tape, failures of oversight and misguided priorities.
That's the conclusion of Blueprint for Gulf Renewal, a new report from the Institute for Southern Studies.
A full version of the report is available at: http://www.southernstudies.org/gulfblueprint.pdf
The study, published in collaboration with Oxfam America and the Jewish Funds for Justice, looks at 80 statistical indicators and draws on interviews with more than 40 Gulf Coast leaders to identify roadblocks to recovery, and ways federal leaders can tackle critical needs in the region like housing, jobs and coastal protection.
"In September 2005, President Bush pledged to 'do what it takes, and stay as long as it takes,' to rebuild after Katrina," says Chris Kromm, director of the Institute and co-author of the report. "But thousands of lives are still in limbo and miles of the Gulf still lie in ruins -- the recovery is failing."
The study also features "Where did the Katrina money go?" -- an in-depth analysis of federal Katrina spending since 2005. The Institute reveals that, out of the $116 billion in Katrina funds allocated, less than 30% has gone towards long-term rebuilding -- and less than half of that has been spent, much less reached those most in need.
"The President says he's written a 'big check' for the Gulf Coast, but the over 60,000 families still in FEMA trailers must be wondering if the check bounced," says Jeffrey Buchanan of the RFK Memorial Center for Human Rights and co-author of the spending analysis.
The report also offers a set of practical solutions, gleaned from interviews with 40 Gulf Coast community leaders, for our nation's leaders to turn the situation around.
"Two years after Katrina, our nation has an opportunity to change course and demonstrate its sincere commitment to those being left behind in the faltering recovery," says Sue Sturgis, a co-author of the full report. "Only strong national leadership can build a better future for the region, because only Washington has the resources necessary to ensure an equitable and just reconstruction."
"It's well past time for the federal government to make good on its promises to the people of the Gulf," adds Sturgis.
The report is already making a splash in the media, with national coverage by the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Gannet, The Los Angeles Times and McClatchy News. The report has also been featured on over 50 TV and radio broadcasts nation-wide, including MSNBC, National Public Radio, PBS "NewsHour" and XM satellite radio.
The Institute for Southern Studies launched Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch to track the Katrina recovery in October 2005, and has since published several widely-followed reports including A New Agenda for the Gulf Coast (February 2007), One Year after Katrina (August 2006) and The Mardi Gras Index (February 2006).
For a copy of the report and more of the Institute's ongoing coverage of the crisis in the Gulf, visit:
Two Years Post Katrina: Racism and Criminal Justice”
Colorlines has a special section on their website for this anniversary
This week ColorLines.com honors the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a special multimedia issue that reviews the continued struggles in the Gulf Coast after the devastating storm.
A Return to New Orleans: A video on the housing struggle facing Black residents of New Orleans.
Locked Up in New Orleans: From the Nation Magazine, a look at the increasing imprisonment of young men of color without reprieve.
ColorLines Gulf Coast Discussion Guide : A guided tour of our past articles on race and rebuilding.
Images - New Immigrants in New Orleans: An original audio slideshow documenting the wave of Latino immigrants arriving in the two years after Hurricane Katrina.
Two years ago, we were struggling to comprehend what was happening in New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina had hit, and just as it seemed that the worst was over, the levees broke. We watched in horror as people were left to drown in their homes. In the weeks that followed, we came to understand the callousness that led to the tragedy, and heard promises that the Gulf would be rebuilt.
Today, we can see how empty those promises were. New Orleans is still half its former size, and people have become so desperate and discouraged that crime is on the rise. Families are still living in FEMA trailers, which we have learned contain toxic levels of formaldehyde. Public housing units that were unharmed by the flood have remained empty.
Ella Baker Center has partnered with Brave New Foundation to promote their new video about Katrina survivors. It tells the heartbreaking stories of good people unable to return home, like the Aguilar family, who lost their home and received only $4,000 in payments from their insurance company. When the Saints Go Marching In also tells the story of Mr. Washington, an 87-year-old former carpenter, who owned three homes prior to the storm. He is still living in a FEMA trailer today. And there's Julie, who could have returned to her job and normal life if the government had opened up the public housing units where she lived prior to the storm.
Our people must not be forgotten. Watch the video here:http://www.ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=16&contentid=315
Then, take the next step. Please sign the petition urging the Senate to pass the Gulf Coast Recovery Bill of 2007 (S1668). The bill is expected to come up for a vote after soon after Labor Day. Its passage will be an important step toward rebuilding the infrastructure in the Gulf Coast region.
Sign the petition at: http://whenthesaints.org
One of our partner organizations, ColorOfChange.org, has also launched a new project to broadcast the stories of Katrina survivors, told in their own words. Voices From the Gulf presents the stories of 10 survivors, with plans to add hundreds more as survivors who want to tell their stories are connected to volunteers armed with only a video camera and an Internet connection. Please check out the videos today, and if you can, volunteer to help share more survivors' stories.
Forward ever,
Jakada Imani
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
New Orleans After 24 Months By Greg Palast
Catalyst Project organized a panel at this year’s National Conference on Organized Resistance, featuring Mayaba Liebenthal, Amber McZeal, and Maya Dempster, who discussed their lives and political work post-Katrina, in New Orleans and as evacuees, from the challenges of survivor organizing to their visions for justice in the Gulf Coast. This is an excerpt from that forum, which was moderated by Ingrid Chapman, transcribed by Dee Ouellette & Jen Collins, and edited by Molly McClure.
Ingrid: Where are you living, and what work are you doing now?
Mayaba: I live in New Orleans and work with INCITE: Women of Color against Violence and Critical Resistance [CR]. INCITE seeks the liberation of women of color by challenging domestic violence and recognizing that the state is often the perpetrator of much of the violence against women, women of color especially. CR is a prison abolition group working against the prison industrial complex and modern-day slavery. We’re trying to figure out what it actually looks like to have true community accountability.
Amber: I work with Survivors for Survivors in the Bay Area, which started in 2005 by an evacuee/journalist/historian from New Orleans, C.C. Campbell Rock. Survivors for Survivors assists with the unmet needs of the 2,000 families still displaced in the Bay Area, currently 16,000 displaced overall in California. We deal with requests anywhere from a food card to an electricity bill to a cell phone bill to rent. Survivors for Survivors started a work-for-hire catering company called “A Taste of New Orleans” intended to help provide self-sustenance for evacuees. I also work with a play of stories from the Katrina Diaspora called “Stardust and Empty Wagons” that was staged in San Francisco.
Maya: I’m living in New York City and working with the Solidarity Coalition of Katrina and Rita Survivors. We had about 5000 displaced individuals to the New York City area. We have weekly meetings and a monthly united front meeting, which is a platform for all of the other not –for-profits in New York City area to get together and focus on basic needs of survivors still not being met. We’re focusing more on media now because it’s a way for us to touch more individuals. I also work with Ghetto Dreams Movement, which is a music/movie/entertainment organization, originally based in New Orleans, that we use to bring awareness to survivors’ issues in New York City Area. Ghetto Dreams Movement also creates jobs for displaced individuals.
Mayaba: CR is working on an amnesty campaign for prisoners of Katrina. When OPP [Orleans Parish Prison] got flooded all of the evidence got washed away, and thousands of people’s cases never went to trial. We’re trying to get amnesty for people still inside, and all charges dropped. INCITE initiated a project called the Women’s Health and Justice Initiative [WHJI] which is opening a women’s clinic, a multidimensional project that sees service as part of a larger reproductive justice model. In our approach, the clinic is part of a political process, so if you test positive for lead poisoning, there’s also a space for you to organize around the fact that the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] didn’t clean up the lead. We want the healthcare at the clinic to be a space to take action, so you can create a sense of agency around your body and a holistic sense of self, for yourself and for your community.
Ingrid: What are some of the major issues facing the communities you organize?
Amber: One of the biggest issues is getting in touch with everyone to organize them. Within my community itself, the 2000 people in the Bay Area, we still don’t have a list of those people. We put up posters and go to church events where survivors gather, but it’s pretty much word of mouth and few people will come to those events because they’re not looking for consolation from a priest right now. They’re looking for the basic three: jobs, shelter, food. And they’re looking for justice.
Mayaba: What happened with Katrina and what’s going on with the land grab in New Orleans are like a microcosm of the overall state of the US today. You can go into every inner city community and they are suffering the same way. I go to Detroit and they are having the same problems that we are having in New Orleans, and they didn’t have a natural disaster, right? We’re losing affordable housing. We’ve lost affordable housing. Our communities are over-policed. We’re policed up and it doesn’t make us any safer. We can’t get public education. We’re being denied access to health care. Workers’ rights are being stepped on all over the place and the breakdown of our communities is huge. So what are the issues facing us? We’re being stomped. We’re trying to rebuild at a time where no one really wants us to rebuild.
Amber: They brought police and enforcement to New Orleans before they started bringing other resources to actually sustain life. That doesn’t promote safety --- that says to the people of New Orleans that you are a threat. After I evacuated, Maya (Amber?): I wanted desperately to return to the city. A few of us were lucky enough to have a hotel room in the city [paid for by FEMA]. When that was taken away, there was nothing put in place of it. It was about a two-month period of “this is going to be the last day that FEMA will pay for your hotel.” Not knowing where you’re going to sleep at night leaves you in a very confused, clouded state of mind. I do believe that it was purposeful. There was no incentive to return home. There still isn’t. Our hearts are home but there’s no incentive there. And what we have to do is create incentives to return home and a way to return home.
Maya: In New York, similar to everywhere there are displaced people, the feeling towards evacuees at first was welcoming, but when the cameras stopped rolling that’s when the help stopped. Keeping your head clear is very important just to be able to function, because there was never a time we had to actually cry over our city. We just kept running, kept going, kept going and all of a sudden it was a year had passed and we were still moving, still trying to find housing, still trying to just live. Those things were interrupted greatly. Life has not returned to normal, there is no sense of normalcy. We’re still not OK.
Ingrid: How does gender play into the challenges facing your communities and the people that you work with?
Mayaba: Women of color bear the brunt of disasters: natural disasters, state-inflicted disasters, state-enforced disasters. Women of color are at the intersection of sexism and racism, and this perspective is often times ignored or separated, like you walk into one area and you’re a woman and you go over here and you’re black and somehow never the twain shall meet. The lack of gender analysis is particularly problematic in the organizing work in terms of trying to transform society into a way that we want to live our lives. We need that analysis of racism and sexism to develop community accountability strategies for a functional stateless society. We need to be able to ask: why are women of color affected like this? Why are we the highest rising HIV population, the fastest growing population in prisons? We know that domestic violence goes up after disasters. Yet few services have actually been put in place to help to change this or alleviate any of these conditions.
Black women are loved in theory but not in practice. There is a lack of visibility of us as women of color, outside of symbolic imagery. You saw Black women crying on TV during the flood, disempowered, the most disenfranchised person you could find. Organizations will work “on your behalf” but when you say what you need yourself it doesn’t matter. At the INCITE clinic, nearly 90 percent of our funding has come from individual donors and people who support us. Foundations? Not into it. Non-profits? Not into it. Yet they have all been asking what we need and what we want to do, and when we finally say it we’re ignored.
Ingrid: What would justice in the Gulf Coast, and justice for displaced Katrina survivors look like to you?
Maya: A good start would be some admittance to the neglect, to the government failing their citizens. It wouldn’t change what happened but it’s a good start. The treatment of people of African descent by the government, national guard, state police, and other states’ police is dehumanizing and unacceptable. I had eight sheriffs hold shotguns to my head at about 9:30 at night. This was while the curfew was still in effect. The curfew was for midnight but nevertheless that still occurred. Imagine just leaving your house, getting in your car, and eight sheriffs jump out, put shotguns to your head, and tell you to get on the ground. Focusing on Mardi Gras parties is not important when there are numerous murders on a daily basis. The focus needs to change so the city can heal.
Amber: New Orleans is where my home was and my heart is. Maya hit on something when she said “New Orleanians are not new to neglect.” That is a problem. The hundreds of thousands who are displaced are accustomed to being neglected. Which is why giving voice to survivors through “Stardust and Empty Wagons” is crucial. We’re used to being told to shut up, or being killed in order to be silenced. The government moves like molasses, like we say in the south, and molasses moves very, very slow. And slow is not going to work right now. As fast as the hurricane hit and the levees blew and the people were out, that’s as fast as we needed to move to be back in. Since it’s all knocked down let’s rebuild it the right way. We can start to curb our addiction to oil and electricity now by switching over to solar paneling on all the houses. Then New Orleans can be a model for the rest of the country.
Ingrid: What do you feel inspired about?
Maya: I find this forum to be extremely inspiring, and also very healing. Every time we get to speak and share these stories with different people it helps the healing process, and helps to invoke change.
Amber: You can’t kill the spirit and that’s what New Orleans culture is about. That’s what second lines are about. We don’t die. It doesn’t matter what you do to my body. I will still carry joy.
Ingrid: What is the role of allies in the struggle for justice in the Gulf Coast and for survivors?
Mayaba: When allies come to New Orleans, it’s really important to do work in your own communities as well, especially to undo the racism that we’ve been taught and that’s reinforced with every breath and step we take. We had a rally about ending the violence in New Orleans that felt like a Klan rally---it was the most pro-police white thing that I’ve ever seen in my life. A woman had a sign saying “Thugs are Terrorists.” What I want is for people to look into your own communities and organize around that kind of mentality. You don’t need to come to New Orleans to do that.
Amber: Allies can leverage the resources they have to the ends that we need, like connecting organizations to technical support. Allies can act as liaisons connecting us to opportunities like this to tell the truth as we see it. If you fight the same issues of housing and gentrification in your own town, make the connections to what’s happening in New Orleans. We need tangible sustainability. Stop giving your money to the Red Cross, to these corporations who run commercials with Aaron Neville songs and sad pictures. That is not what we look like. Do I look like that to you? New Orleanians don’t like pity. We’re a very proud people. Demand that the U.S. adhere to the U.N. guidelines for internally displaced peoples. Police the U.S. on the grounds of crimes against humanity because that’s what’s going on. Demand that Blanco release the LRA [Louisiana Recovery Authority] funds that she’s been sitting on and accruing interest for the past year. These funds are for the Road Home program, which has no incentive for renters, which all of us happen to have been. The majority of New Orleanians were renters, but these funds would only allocate a hundred and fifty thousand dollar grant to every homeowner whose property was damaged or lost to rebuild their home. Become knowledgeable of what’s going on, like Big Easy money profiteering. The same companies in Iraq right now are the companies doing recovery efforts and getting the no-bid contracts in New Orleans.
Ingrid: How does the struggle in New Orleans impact the broader struggle for justice in this country?
Mayaba: We’re at a very remarkable moment to be able to change the entire framework that we use to talk about injustice. We can talk about what happened in Katrina as human rights issues, which gives the US an international context and an international language. We’re actually at a time where we can align our social movements in this country with the human rights and social movements of everywhere else.
Maya: Katrina was the largest migration of African-Americans since slavery. I can’t help but think that had that not been the case we might have gotten a little bit more of a dignified response from the media, from the government. Aid wouldn’t have taken so long, and not arrived. Most hurricane survivors didn’t even receive the $2000 that was supposed to aid in your immediate needs let alone monies for personal property loss or any kind of personal assistance. Most people got nothing but leaving their homes and never returning.
Amber: 9-11 was a disaster with a one-mile radius. Katrina hit a hundred and forty miles of coastline. 9-11 directly affected a few thousand people. Throughout the Gulf we’re talking over a million people directly affected, between the two hurricanes from Lake Charles to the Mississippi and further north. Yet you see in the news a lot of attention placed on “oh he bought a car with his FEMA money” for those who did receive the personal property money, a lot of judgment about what they did with it. It’s these little things that hurt after a while.
Ingrid: How can people support your particular organizations?
Amber: Bring “Stardust and Empty Wagons” out for a performance or for a reading--- all the proceeds go to the immediate needs of evacuees. If you know evacuees in your area, connect them to either resources or technology to be connected with other evacuees. It’s huge, it’s crucial. Community was a big factor for New Orleans and the pain that we feel right now is the unraveling of our culture. Culture is our life.
Mayaba: The New Orleans Women’s Clinic is opening, any and all fundraising is appreciated. CR has a video called “I Won’t Drown on that Levee and You Ain’t Gonna Break my Back.” We need to raise awareness about what happened in the prison, what’s still happening. Get the word out about organizing on the ground, because the news is not getting out about how much grassroots activity is happening there. If people knew that, it would undermine every intention and plan that the government has for the city.
Maya: We have a collaboration of different musicians from New Orleans that make up the Ghetto Dreams Movement, ready to do shows and perform. We have media for sale, there are two albums. They are songs of inspiration, and days before hurricane Katrina. This music is very healing to us, so if you see that, support it.
Amber: We need reparations. You can even change the name, because the needs have changed. I don’t need a mule. I don’t know where I would put a mule.
Mayaba: Would the mule now be a Honda? I’d like a hybrid.
Mayaba Liebenthal is a Black feminist anarchist and human rights advocate committed to creating projects institutions that support self-determined and sustainable communities development. A New Orleans resident, she is a member of various community based organizations including INCITE: Women of Color Against Violence, and Critical Resistance. She is a contributor to the South End anthology, What Lies Beneath Katrina: Race and the State of the Nation.
Amber McZeal is a native New Orleanian by way of Lafayette, Louisiana. She currently resides in Berkeley, California where she is a volunteer public and community relations director with the social justice activist group Survivors for Survivors, a survivor initiated non-profit organization assisting hurricane survivors with needs still unmet by the national recovery agencies. Prior to Katrina she was a student of jazz performance at Southern University in New Orleans. She is continuing her studies in sound therapy in California.
Maya Dempster is a writer artist and activist. She is a New Orleans resident via New York City right now. As a survivor of Katrina and Rita she now works closely with New York Solidarity Coalition of Katrina/Rita Survivors to aid evacuees in the struggle for social justice.
Catalyst Project (www.collectiveliberation.org) is a center for political education and movement building based in the San Francisco Bay Area, committed to anti-racist work in majority white sections of left social movements with the goal of building multiracial left movements for liberation. Since Katrina, Catalyst has made solidarity with the Gulf Coast a major part of our work.
From color of change comes this:
Introducing Voices from the Gulf
There are thousands of untold stories from Katrina survivors.
Watch them, and help them be told through Voices from the Gulf.
We all know the headlines dominating the public conversation around Hurricane Katrina: politicians making declarations but doing very little, levees not being rebuilt, and thousands of people who want to return home but can't.
But we rarely get a chance to hear Katrina survivors speaking in their own words, talking about where they are today and how they are moving forward to rebuild their lives. On the second anniversary of Katrina, we wanted to connect folks around the country, as directly as possible, to Katrina survivors -- creating a window into their lives. And we wanted to provide a platform for Katrina survivors to make their stories heard, now and into the future.
The result is VoicesFromTheGulf.com. Check it out and participate here:
VoicesFromTheGulf.com launches today with stories from ten different individuals and families, each with a unique perspective and experience. But that's just the start. In the coming weeks and months, we hope to add hundreds more stories, as survivors who want to share their stories are connected to volunteers who have a video camera and Internet connection. The site makes it easy. Survivors and videographers fill out a simple form and, based on geography, are put in contact with one another. They then get together, shoot their video, and upload it to the VoicesFromTheGulf.com website.
If you have a video camera, and you'd like to interview a Katrina survivor, sign up here:
If you're a Katrina survivor and want to share your experiences, sign up here:
As the media moves on to other stories, a living collection of testimony is critical. It puts the stories of survivors at the center of the dialogue around a just rebuild. And it informs those of us who want to support Katrina survivors with knowledge about who they are and what they need.
The failures during Hurricane Katrina were a failure of America as a community. But the stories of people reaching out, connecting, and helping one another during and immediately after the storm showed Americans at our best. If America doesn't want to fail the Gulf Coast again -- if we want to help -- we have to stay connected. VoicesFromTheGulf.com is about making this connection happen.
We hope you'll join us in sharing and hearing these stories.
Thank You and Peace,
-- James, Van, Gabriel, Clarissa, Mervyn, and the rest of the ColorOfChange.org team
August 24th, 2007
Another resource is cws.workshop.org/katrinareader which will eventually have a whole bunch of second commemoration materials up.
Hurricane Katrina: The Black Nation’s 9-11! By Saladin Muhammad
Gulf South Allied Funders invite you to
A blow-out New Orleans style party to honor the activists who are
bringing the spirit of hope to their communities and to benefit the
Twenty-First Century Foundation's Hurricane Katrina Initiative
Master of Ceremonies Van Jones
Author and Performance Poet Michael Otieno Molina
Henry Clement & the Gumbo Band
The Food & Spirits of New Orleans
Wednesday, September 19th
6pm till much later
The Park Chalet
1000 Great Highway at Ocean Beach
San Francisco
Visit Twenty-First Century's Hurricane Katrina Initiative
Buy Tickets! More information Email us at risingup [at] fusionconsultants [dot] org
The Twenty-First Century Foundation presents an interactive,
multi-media Funders Briefing on the victories and challenges of
rebuilding the Gulf Coast sponsored by The Gulf South Allied Funders
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
2 to 5 pm
Tides Center
The Presidio, San Francisco
Join five outstanding Gulf Coast activists for an in depth analysis of
the challenges and opportunities of rebuilding the Gulf Coast, the
approaches that are working, and the strategies that are still needed.
Steve Bradbury, Louisiana ACORN
Judith Browne-Dianis, The Advancement Project
Derrick Evans, Turkey Creek Community Initiative
Derrick Johnson, NAACP of Mississippi
Patricia Jones, Lower Ninth Ward Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association
Jason Sanders, Tides Foundation
Rev. John H. Vaughn, Twenty-First Century Foundation
The Gulf South Allied Funders include Resource Generation, Women
Donors Network, Threshold Foundation, Tides Foundation, and individual
Like most of you, two years ago I spent several days watching in horror and grief as the City of New Orleans was first hit by a fierce hurricane, then flooded, then abandoned by a racist, corrupt government.
Two years on, thousands of residents are still displaced, many neighborhoods are still without services like water and electricity, opening schools is a huge struggle, and the eye of the nation has turned elsewhere. A blogger friend recently pointed out the discrepancy between the amount of mainstream media coverage of the 10th anniversary of the death of Diana Princess of Wales in comparison with the amount of mainstream media coverage of the two year anniversary of Katrina. It’s sickening.
We have a responsibility to remember, to refuse to forget what happened in New Orleans and what is ongoing in New Orleans; to keep our eyes open, to demand the right of return for displaced residents and the rebuilding of New Orleans. In September we’ll be posting a list of grassroots organizations working for justice for New Orleans and the gulf coast, which a comrade is currently compiling; for now, please check out this compilation of articles written about New Orleans and the aftermath of Katrina on this second anniversary .
In solidarity,
Rahula Janowski
For the Heads Up Collective
And Still They Rise: Confronting Katrina by Dave Zirin
New Orleans Hit By Another "Hurricane of Racism, Greed and Corruption" - Community Activist Malik Rahim on Democracy Now!
Two years ago, Hurricane Katrina made its devastating landfall on the Gulf Coast.
Today, much of the region’s infrastructure remains in ruin. In New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina caused damage to 300,000 housing units, of which 71% were low-income housing. Most of the city’s public housing received no or moderate damage, but approximately 1,300 out of 5,146 units have been reopened (the rest remain boarded up awaiting demolition). There is a severe shortage of affordable housing in the post-Katrina New Orleans housing market, which has meant the continued displacement of predominantly low-income African Africans two years after the storm.
Advancement Project pledges to persist in the fight for people’s right to return home. We recently partnered with Brave New Foundation to distribute a short video, When the Saints Go Marching In, to raise awareness of the ongoing housing crisis in New Orleans. During the making of this video, the filmmakers heard the story of the Aguilar family who lost their home to storm and only received $4,000 in payments from their insurance company. They met Mr. Washington, an 87- year-old man and former carpenter, who owned three homes prior to the storm. He is still living in a FEMA trailer today. And they met Julie, who could have returned to her job and normal life, if the government had opened up the public housing unit that she had lived in prior to the storm.
You can watch their stories at: http://whenthesaints.org
You can also view Advancement Project’s documentary about the fight for public housing in New Orleans, This Is My Home, at: www.advancementproject.org.
There is something you can do to help. Please sign the petition urging the Senate to pass the Gulf Coast Recovery Bill of 2007 (S. 1668). The bill is expected to come to a vote after Labor Day. Its passage will be an important step toward rebuilding the infrastructure in the Gulf Coast region.
Please sign the petition at: http://whenthesaints.org
A Farewell Letter on the Second Anniversary of Katrina A Message from an Organizer to the Left and Progressive Forces inside the USA by Curtis Muhammad
SPECIAL REPORT: Billions in Katrina aid mis-spent; blueprint for Gulf recovery outlined
DURHAM, N.C. -- Two years after the onslaught of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, much of the Gulf Coast is still in crisis -- and billions of federal recovery money remains bottled up or has been squandered due to red tape, failures of oversight and misguided priorities.
That's the conclusion of Blueprint for Gulf Renewal, a new report from the Institute for Southern Studies.
A full version of the report is available at: http://www.southernstudies.org/gulfblueprint.pdf
The study, published in collaboration with Oxfam America and the Jewish Funds for Justice, looks at 80 statistical indicators and draws on interviews with more than 40 Gulf Coast leaders to identify roadblocks to recovery, and ways federal leaders can tackle critical needs in the region like housing, jobs and coastal protection.
"In September 2005, President Bush pledged to 'do what it takes, and stay as long as it takes,' to rebuild after Katrina," says Chris Kromm, director of the Institute and co-author of the report. "But thousands of lives are still in limbo and miles of the Gulf still lie in ruins -- the recovery is failing."
The study also features "Where did the Katrina money go?" -- an in-depth analysis of federal Katrina spending since 2005. The Institute reveals that, out of the $116 billion in Katrina funds allocated, less than 30% has gone towards long-term rebuilding -- and less than half of that has been spent, much less reached those most in need.
"The President says he's written a 'big check' for the Gulf Coast, but the over 60,000 families still in FEMA trailers must be wondering if the check bounced," says Jeffrey Buchanan of the RFK Memorial Center for Human Rights and co-author of the spending analysis.
The report also offers a set of practical solutions, gleaned from interviews with 40 Gulf Coast community leaders, for our nation's leaders to turn the situation around.
"Two years after Katrina, our nation has an opportunity to change course and demonstrate its sincere commitment to those being left behind in the faltering recovery," says Sue Sturgis, a co-author of the full report. "Only strong national leadership can build a better future for the region, because only Washington has the resources necessary to ensure an equitable and just reconstruction."
"It's well past time for the federal government to make good on its promises to the people of the Gulf," adds Sturgis.
The report is already making a splash in the media, with national coverage by the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Gannet, The Los Angeles Times and McClatchy News. The report has also been featured on over 50 TV and radio broadcasts nation-wide, including MSNBC, National Public Radio, PBS "NewsHour" and XM satellite radio.
The Institute for Southern Studies launched Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch to track the Katrina recovery in October 2005, and has since published several widely-followed reports including A New Agenda for the Gulf Coast (February 2007), One Year after Katrina (August 2006) and The Mardi Gras Index (February 2006).
For a copy of the report and more of the Institute's ongoing coverage of the crisis in the Gulf, visit:
Two Years Post Katrina: Racism and Criminal Justice”
Colorlines has a special section on their website for this anniversary
This week ColorLines.com honors the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with a special multimedia issue that reviews the continued struggles in the Gulf Coast after the devastating storm.
A Return to New Orleans: A video on the housing struggle facing Black residents of New Orleans.
Locked Up in New Orleans: From the Nation Magazine, a look at the increasing imprisonment of young men of color without reprieve.
ColorLines Gulf Coast Discussion Guide : A guided tour of our past articles on race and rebuilding.
Images - New Immigrants in New Orleans: An original audio slideshow documenting the wave of Latino immigrants arriving in the two years after Hurricane Katrina.
Two years ago, we were struggling to comprehend what was happening in New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina had hit, and just as it seemed that the worst was over, the levees broke. We watched in horror as people were left to drown in their homes. In the weeks that followed, we came to understand the callousness that led to the tragedy, and heard promises that the Gulf would be rebuilt.
Today, we can see how empty those promises were. New Orleans is still half its former size, and people have become so desperate and discouraged that crime is on the rise. Families are still living in FEMA trailers, which we have learned contain toxic levels of formaldehyde. Public housing units that were unharmed by the flood have remained empty.
Ella Baker Center has partnered with Brave New Foundation to promote their new video about Katrina survivors. It tells the heartbreaking stories of good people unable to return home, like the Aguilar family, who lost their home and received only $4,000 in payments from their insurance company. When the Saints Go Marching In also tells the story of Mr. Washington, an 87-year-old former carpenter, who owned three homes prior to the storm. He is still living in a FEMA trailer today. And there's Julie, who could have returned to her job and normal life if the government had opened up the public housing units where she lived prior to the storm.
Our people must not be forgotten. Watch the video here:http://www.ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=16&contentid=315
Then, take the next step. Please sign the petition urging the Senate to pass the Gulf Coast Recovery Bill of 2007 (S1668). The bill is expected to come up for a vote after soon after Labor Day. Its passage will be an important step toward rebuilding the infrastructure in the Gulf Coast region.
Sign the petition at: http://whenthesaints.org
One of our partner organizations, ColorOfChange.org, has also launched a new project to broadcast the stories of Katrina survivors, told in their own words. Voices From the Gulf presents the stories of 10 survivors, with plans to add hundreds more as survivors who want to tell their stories are connected to volunteers armed with only a video camera and an Internet connection. Please check out the videos today, and if you can, volunteer to help share more survivors' stories.
Forward ever,
Jakada Imani
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
New Orleans After 24 Months By Greg Palast
Catalyst Project organized a panel at this year’s National Conference on Organized Resistance, featuring Mayaba Liebenthal, Amber McZeal, and Maya Dempster, who discussed their lives and political work post-Katrina, in New Orleans and as evacuees, from the challenges of survivor organizing to their visions for justice in the Gulf Coast. This is an excerpt from that forum, which was moderated by Ingrid Chapman, transcribed by Dee Ouellette & Jen Collins, and edited by Molly McClure.
Ingrid: Where are you living, and what work are you doing now?
Mayaba: I live in New Orleans and work with INCITE: Women of Color against Violence and Critical Resistance [CR]. INCITE seeks the liberation of women of color by challenging domestic violence and recognizing that the state is often the perpetrator of much of the violence against women, women of color especially. CR is a prison abolition group working against the prison industrial complex and modern-day slavery. We’re trying to figure out what it actually looks like to have true community accountability.
Amber: I work with Survivors for Survivors in the Bay Area, which started in 2005 by an evacuee/journalist/historian from New Orleans, C.C. Campbell Rock. Survivors for Survivors assists with the unmet needs of the 2,000 families still displaced in the Bay Area, currently 16,000 displaced overall in California. We deal with requests anywhere from a food card to an electricity bill to a cell phone bill to rent. Survivors for Survivors started a work-for-hire catering company called “A Taste of New Orleans” intended to help provide self-sustenance for evacuees. I also work with a play of stories from the Katrina Diaspora called “Stardust and Empty Wagons” that was staged in San Francisco.
Maya: I’m living in New York City and working with the Solidarity Coalition of Katrina and Rita Survivors. We had about 5000 displaced individuals to the New York City area. We have weekly meetings and a monthly united front meeting, which is a platform for all of the other not –for-profits in New York City area to get together and focus on basic needs of survivors still not being met. We’re focusing more on media now because it’s a way for us to touch more individuals. I also work with Ghetto Dreams Movement, which is a music/movie/entertainment organization, originally based in New Orleans, that we use to bring awareness to survivors’ issues in New York City Area. Ghetto Dreams Movement also creates jobs for displaced individuals.
Mayaba: CR is working on an amnesty campaign for prisoners of Katrina. When OPP [Orleans Parish Prison] got flooded all of the evidence got washed away, and thousands of people’s cases never went to trial. We’re trying to get amnesty for people still inside, and all charges dropped. INCITE initiated a project called the Women’s Health and Justice Initiative [WHJI] which is opening a women’s clinic, a multidimensional project that sees service as part of a larger reproductive justice model. In our approach, the clinic is part of a political process, so if you test positive for lead poisoning, there’s also a space for you to organize around the fact that the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] didn’t clean up the lead. We want the healthcare at the clinic to be a space to take action, so you can create a sense of agency around your body and a holistic sense of self, for yourself and for your community.
Ingrid: What are some of the major issues facing the communities you organize?
Amber: One of the biggest issues is getting in touch with everyone to organize them. Within my community itself, the 2000 people in the Bay Area, we still don’t have a list of those people. We put up posters and go to church events where survivors gather, but it’s pretty much word of mouth and few people will come to those events because they’re not looking for consolation from a priest right now. They’re looking for the basic three: jobs, shelter, food. And they’re looking for justice.
Mayaba: What happened with Katrina and what’s going on with the land grab in New Orleans are like a microcosm of the overall state of the US today. You can go into every inner city community and they are suffering the same way. I go to Detroit and they are having the same problems that we are having in New Orleans, and they didn’t have a natural disaster, right? We’re losing affordable housing. We’ve lost affordable housing. Our communities are over-policed. We’re policed up and it doesn’t make us any safer. We can’t get public education. We’re being denied access to health care. Workers’ rights are being stepped on all over the place and the breakdown of our communities is huge. So what are the issues facing us? We’re being stomped. We’re trying to rebuild at a time where no one really wants us to rebuild.
Amber: They brought police and enforcement to New Orleans before they started bringing other resources to actually sustain life. That doesn’t promote safety --- that says to the people of New Orleans that you are a threat. After I evacuated, Maya (Amber?): I wanted desperately to return to the city. A few of us were lucky enough to have a hotel room in the city [paid for by FEMA]. When that was taken away, there was nothing put in place of it. It was about a two-month period of “this is going to be the last day that FEMA will pay for your hotel.” Not knowing where you’re going to sleep at night leaves you in a very confused, clouded state of mind. I do believe that it was purposeful. There was no incentive to return home. There still isn’t. Our hearts are home but there’s no incentive there. And what we have to do is create incentives to return home and a way to return home.
Maya: In New York, similar to everywhere there are displaced people, the feeling towards evacuees at first was welcoming, but when the cameras stopped rolling that’s when the help stopped. Keeping your head clear is very important just to be able to function, because there was never a time we had to actually cry over our city. We just kept running, kept going, kept going and all of a sudden it was a year had passed and we were still moving, still trying to find housing, still trying to just live. Those things were interrupted greatly. Life has not returned to normal, there is no sense of normalcy. We’re still not OK.
Ingrid: How does gender play into the challenges facing your communities and the people that you work with?
Mayaba: Women of color bear the brunt of disasters: natural disasters, state-inflicted disasters, state-enforced disasters. Women of color are at the intersection of sexism and racism, and this perspective is often times ignored or separated, like you walk into one area and you’re a woman and you go over here and you’re black and somehow never the twain shall meet. The lack of gender analysis is particularly problematic in the organizing work in terms of trying to transform society into a way that we want to live our lives. We need that analysis of racism and sexism to develop community accountability strategies for a functional stateless society. We need to be able to ask: why are women of color affected like this? Why are we the highest rising HIV population, the fastest growing population in prisons? We know that domestic violence goes up after disasters. Yet few services have actually been put in place to help to change this or alleviate any of these conditions.
Black women are loved in theory but not in practice. There is a lack of visibility of us as women of color, outside of symbolic imagery. You saw Black women crying on TV during the flood, disempowered, the most disenfranchised person you could find. Organizations will work “on your behalf” but when you say what you need yourself it doesn’t matter. At the INCITE clinic, nearly 90 percent of our funding has come from individual donors and people who support us. Foundations? Not into it. Non-profits? Not into it. Yet they have all been asking what we need and what we want to do, and when we finally say it we’re ignored.
Ingrid: What would justice in the Gulf Coast, and justice for displaced Katrina survivors look like to you?
Maya: A good start would be some admittance to the neglect, to the government failing their citizens. It wouldn’t change what happened but it’s a good start. The treatment of people of African descent by the government, national guard, state police, and other states’ police is dehumanizing and unacceptable. I had eight sheriffs hold shotguns to my head at about 9:30 at night. This was while the curfew was still in effect. The curfew was for midnight but nevertheless that still occurred. Imagine just leaving your house, getting in your car, and eight sheriffs jump out, put shotguns to your head, and tell you to get on the ground. Focusing on Mardi Gras parties is not important when there are numerous murders on a daily basis. The focus needs to change so the city can heal.
Amber: New Orleans is where my home was and my heart is. Maya hit on something when she said “New Orleanians are not new to neglect.” That is a problem. The hundreds of thousands who are displaced are accustomed to being neglected. Which is why giving voice to survivors through “Stardust and Empty Wagons” is crucial. We’re used to being told to shut up, or being killed in order to be silenced. The government moves like molasses, like we say in the south, and molasses moves very, very slow. And slow is not going to work right now. As fast as the hurricane hit and the levees blew and the people were out, that’s as fast as we needed to move to be back in. Since it’s all knocked down let’s rebuild it the right way. We can start to curb our addiction to oil and electricity now by switching over to solar paneling on all the houses. Then New Orleans can be a model for the rest of the country.
Ingrid: What do you feel inspired about?
Maya: I find this forum to be extremely inspiring, and also very healing. Every time we get to speak and share these stories with different people it helps the healing process, and helps to invoke change.
Amber: You can’t kill the spirit and that’s what New Orleans culture is about. That’s what second lines are about. We don’t die. It doesn’t matter what you do to my body. I will still carry joy.
Ingrid: What is the role of allies in the struggle for justice in the Gulf Coast and for survivors?
Mayaba: When allies come to New Orleans, it’s really important to do work in your own communities as well, especially to undo the racism that we’ve been taught and that’s reinforced with every breath and step we take. We had a rally about ending the violence in New Orleans that felt like a Klan rally---it was the most pro-police white thing that I’ve ever seen in my life. A woman had a sign saying “Thugs are Terrorists.” What I want is for people to look into your own communities and organize around that kind of mentality. You don’t need to come to New Orleans to do that.
Amber: Allies can leverage the resources they have to the ends that we need, like connecting organizations to technical support. Allies can act as liaisons connecting us to opportunities like this to tell the truth as we see it. If you fight the same issues of housing and gentrification in your own town, make the connections to what’s happening in New Orleans. We need tangible sustainability. Stop giving your money to the Red Cross, to these corporations who run commercials with Aaron Neville songs and sad pictures. That is not what we look like. Do I look like that to you? New Orleanians don’t like pity. We’re a very proud people. Demand that the U.S. adhere to the U.N. guidelines for internally displaced peoples. Police the U.S. on the grounds of crimes against humanity because that’s what’s going on. Demand that Blanco release the LRA [Louisiana Recovery Authority] funds that she’s been sitting on and accruing interest for the past year. These funds are for the Road Home program, which has no incentive for renters, which all of us happen to have been. The majority of New Orleanians were renters, but these funds would only allocate a hundred and fifty thousand dollar grant to every homeowner whose property was damaged or lost to rebuild their home. Become knowledgeable of what’s going on, like Big Easy money profiteering. The same companies in Iraq right now are the companies doing recovery efforts and getting the no-bid contracts in New Orleans.
Ingrid: How does the struggle in New Orleans impact the broader struggle for justice in this country?
Mayaba: We’re at a very remarkable moment to be able to change the entire framework that we use to talk about injustice. We can talk about what happened in Katrina as human rights issues, which gives the US an international context and an international language. We’re actually at a time where we can align our social movements in this country with the human rights and social movements of everywhere else.
Maya: Katrina was the largest migration of African-Americans since slavery. I can’t help but think that had that not been the case we might have gotten a little bit more of a dignified response from the media, from the government. Aid wouldn’t have taken so long, and not arrived. Most hurricane survivors didn’t even receive the $2000 that was supposed to aid in your immediate needs let alone monies for personal property loss or any kind of personal assistance. Most people got nothing but leaving their homes and never returning.
Amber: 9-11 was a disaster with a one-mile radius. Katrina hit a hundred and forty miles of coastline. 9-11 directly affected a few thousand people. Throughout the Gulf we’re talking over a million people directly affected, between the two hurricanes from Lake Charles to the Mississippi and further north. Yet you see in the news a lot of attention placed on “oh he bought a car with his FEMA money” for those who did receive the personal property money, a lot of judgment about what they did with it. It’s these little things that hurt after a while.
Ingrid: How can people support your particular organizations?
Amber: Bring “Stardust and Empty Wagons” out for a performance or for a reading--- all the proceeds go to the immediate needs of evacuees. If you know evacuees in your area, connect them to either resources or technology to be connected with other evacuees. It’s huge, it’s crucial. Community was a big factor for New Orleans and the pain that we feel right now is the unraveling of our culture. Culture is our life.
Mayaba: The New Orleans Women’s Clinic is opening, any and all fundraising is appreciated. CR has a video called “I Won’t Drown on that Levee and You Ain’t Gonna Break my Back.” We need to raise awareness about what happened in the prison, what’s still happening. Get the word out about organizing on the ground, because the news is not getting out about how much grassroots activity is happening there. If people knew that, it would undermine every intention and plan that the government has for the city.
Maya: We have a collaboration of different musicians from New Orleans that make up the Ghetto Dreams Movement, ready to do shows and perform. We have media for sale, there are two albums. They are songs of inspiration, and days before hurricane Katrina. This music is very healing to us, so if you see that, support it.
Amber: We need reparations. You can even change the name, because the needs have changed. I don’t need a mule. I don’t know where I would put a mule.
Mayaba: Would the mule now be a Honda? I’d like a hybrid.
Mayaba Liebenthal is a Black feminist anarchist and human rights advocate committed to creating projects institutions that support self-determined and sustainable communities development. A New Orleans resident, she is a member of various community based organizations including INCITE: Women of Color Against Violence, and Critical Resistance. She is a contributor to the South End anthology, What Lies Beneath Katrina: Race and the State of the Nation.
Amber McZeal is a native New Orleanian by way of Lafayette, Louisiana. She currently resides in Berkeley, California where she is a volunteer public and community relations director with the social justice activist group Survivors for Survivors, a survivor initiated non-profit organization assisting hurricane survivors with needs still unmet by the national recovery agencies. Prior to Katrina she was a student of jazz performance at Southern University in New Orleans. She is continuing her studies in sound therapy in California.
Maya Dempster is a writer artist and activist. She is a New Orleans resident via New York City right now. As a survivor of Katrina and Rita she now works closely with New York Solidarity Coalition of Katrina/Rita Survivors to aid evacuees in the struggle for social justice.
Catalyst Project (www.collectiveliberation.org) is a center for political education and movement building based in the San Francisco Bay Area, committed to anti-racist work in majority white sections of left social movements with the goal of building multiracial left movements for liberation. Since Katrina, Catalyst has made solidarity with the Gulf Coast a major part of our work.
From color of change comes this:
Introducing Voices from the Gulf
There are thousands of untold stories from Katrina survivors.
Watch them, and help them be told through Voices from the Gulf.
We all know the headlines dominating the public conversation around Hurricane Katrina: politicians making declarations but doing very little, levees not being rebuilt, and thousands of people who want to return home but can't.
But we rarely get a chance to hear Katrina survivors speaking in their own words, talking about where they are today and how they are moving forward to rebuild their lives. On the second anniversary of Katrina, we wanted to connect folks around the country, as directly as possible, to Katrina survivors -- creating a window into their lives. And we wanted to provide a platform for Katrina survivors to make their stories heard, now and into the future.
The result is VoicesFromTheGulf.com. Check it out and participate here:
VoicesFromTheGulf.com launches today with stories from ten different individuals and families, each with a unique perspective and experience. But that's just the start. In the coming weeks and months, we hope to add hundreds more stories, as survivors who want to share their stories are connected to volunteers who have a video camera and Internet connection. The site makes it easy. Survivors and videographers fill out a simple form and, based on geography, are put in contact with one another. They then get together, shoot their video, and upload it to the VoicesFromTheGulf.com website.
If you have a video camera, and you'd like to interview a Katrina survivor, sign up here:
If you're a Katrina survivor and want to share your experiences, sign up here:
As the media moves on to other stories, a living collection of testimony is critical. It puts the stories of survivors at the center of the dialogue around a just rebuild. And it informs those of us who want to support Katrina survivors with knowledge about who they are and what they need.
The failures during Hurricane Katrina were a failure of America as a community. But the stories of people reaching out, connecting, and helping one another during and immediately after the storm showed Americans at our best. If America doesn't want to fail the Gulf Coast again -- if we want to help -- we have to stay connected. VoicesFromTheGulf.com is about making this connection happen.
We hope you'll join us in sharing and hearing these stories.
Thank You and Peace,
-- James, Van, Gabriel, Clarissa, Mervyn, and the rest of the ColorOfChange.org team
August 24th, 2007
Another resource is cws.workshop.org/katrinareader which will eventually have a whole bunch of second commemoration materials up.
Hurricane Katrina: The Black Nation’s 9-11! By Saladin Muhammad
Gulf South Allied Funders invite you to
A blow-out New Orleans style party to honor the activists who are
bringing the spirit of hope to their communities and to benefit the
Twenty-First Century Foundation's Hurricane Katrina Initiative
Master of Ceremonies Van Jones
Author and Performance Poet Michael Otieno Molina
Henry Clement & the Gumbo Band
The Food & Spirits of New Orleans
Wednesday, September 19th
6pm till much later
The Park Chalet
1000 Great Highway at Ocean Beach
San Francisco
Visit Twenty-First Century's Hurricane Katrina Initiative
Buy Tickets! More information Email us at risingup [at] fusionconsultants [dot] org
The Twenty-First Century Foundation presents an interactive,
multi-media Funders Briefing on the victories and challenges of
rebuilding the Gulf Coast sponsored by The Gulf South Allied Funders
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
2 to 5 pm
Tides Center
The Presidio, San Francisco
Join five outstanding Gulf Coast activists for an in depth analysis of
the challenges and opportunities of rebuilding the Gulf Coast, the
approaches that are working, and the strategies that are still needed.
Steve Bradbury, Louisiana ACORN
Judith Browne-Dianis, The Advancement Project
Derrick Evans, Turkey Creek Community Initiative
Derrick Johnson, NAACP of Mississippi
Patricia Jones, Lower Ninth Ward Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association
Jason Sanders, Tides Foundation
Rev. John H. Vaughn, Twenty-First Century Foundation
The Gulf South Allied Funders include Resource Generation, Women
Donors Network, Threshold Foundation, Tides Foundation, and individual