Book: "Katrina's Legacy: White Racism and Black Reconstruction in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast"
“Eric Mann is one of the few people who can combine strategy, tactics, effective grassroots organizing, and compelling writing.”
“Katrina's Legacy stands with Black Nations 9/11 as the clearest strategic statement within the movement, a must read for anyone working in solidarity with the reconstruction movement in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.”
“Mann’s writing is a door. Our movement, and indeed, the very life of Black New Orleans, depends on our ability to fully comprehend and embrace the counter-hegemonic and long-term movement building demands that Mann describes.”
“Excellent. Mann has a distinct talent for drawing political lessons from historical events. Every movement needs a map. Katrina's Legacy
takes us to the ravaged Gulf Coast and shows us how to find the road
toward a Third Reconstruction. America needs this movement, and Eric
helps us find our way.”
“Places the Gulf catastrophe in the historical context of racist capitalist rule in the U.S. at a critical time when the ‘cracks in the ruling class levees’ are visible for all to see. Mann provides political leadership, the outlines of a plan for action, and calls us to our battle stations.”
“From the first days after Katrina struck New Orleans, Eric Mann has been a crucial ally to organizers on the ground. His Katrina's Legacy is vital for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of what happened in New Orleans, and what we can do about it.”
“An inspiring call to action rooted in a powerful tradition of Black resistance in the South. It provides a comprehensive framework, a clear vision and strategy for this moment in history to build the movement among communities of color and low-wage workers.”